The New Masthead
Tuesday, May 2nd, 2006Can anybody *really* not tell what it is? Let me know.
Can anybody *really* not tell what it is? Let me know.
For that matter, do I? I don’t know. But I do seem to have some sort of affinity for it, one that I’ve pretty much ignored since my *Man-Thing*/*Son of Satan*/*Tales of the Zombie* days at Marvel in the early ’70s. No more. Research for my new DC project is leading me back into the […]
Boxes of books, that’s all. Stuff that should’ve been put on the shelves and organized months ago. In those boxes, however, were a couple of my handwritten journals, circa 1977-79, starting just before I moved permanently to Los Angeles. I could’ve lived without rereading those, without revisiting that time, without seeing how badly my handwriting […]
Today is one of those days when, miraculously, I don’t have anything scheduled. Taxes are done. I’m Jewish, so no Easter services to attend. I may drop in at the Christkillers’ Ball that’s held at the Las Vegas Gate to Hell under the Convention Center every year… Yes, that’s a joke, but speaking of Jesus… […]
When I moved in January, I discovered a few hundred Betamax tapes in a box, films recorded from cable back in the mid-’80s, some of them from L.A.’s legendary “Z” Channel. There are some terrific and rarely-seen movies on those cassettes, but, of course, you need a working Beta player to look at them. I […]
To defend the Bush administration today, it seems to me you’d have to be the kind of lobotomized, eyes-gouged-out partisan who could’ve defended Bill Clinton’s blow job — not his policies, not his efficacy as president in spite of the blow job, but the act of the blow job itself. I think Bill Clinton is […]
For the last couple of years, I’ve actively avoided listening to The Beatles. I have to do that every so often, because the sounds are so familiar, so thoroughly blended into my brain chemistry, that they can turn into sonic wallpaper unless I deliberately put some distance between myself and the music. Every time I […]
Mary and I turned in the last pages of Hard Time: Season 2 #7 just a few minutes ago. We were both, unexpectedly, a little choked up. … Okay, then. On to something new.
It occurs to me that the Bush administration’s “If the president does it, it’s legal” philosophy regarding the extent and exercise of executive power was, once upon a Golden Dawn, expressed another way: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” You know, if you squint really hard, it’s not impossible to […]
Seymour Hersch on the prospects for war in Iran. Thanks to Mark Evanier for posting the link.