Today is my birthday.

I look at that number and, even in my current infirm condition, cannot comprehend it.

I once thought I would be a model of aging gracefully…but no. Apparently, I’m going to age screaming in protest. In this, if nothing else, I am a typical baby boomer.

There *has* to be a third option.

23 Responses to “58”

  1. Craig Taylor Says:

    “There has to be a third alternative.”

    Yeah. Keep writing great comics.

    Happy Birthday, Steve!

    — craig taylor, australia

  2. Mopy Says:

    A happy birthday from the bottom of the world!

  3. Tom Walker Says:

    Wouldnt the astrologers say that this is a time of your “second saturn return”..? They tend to suggest you look at whatever major issues were bouncing around at the age of 29 or so and check for similar themes recently. There are probably clues back then as to how to make good of the challenges of today.

    oh, and a very merry birthday to you Mr G – your very own festival day!

  4. Alex Krislov Says:

    Feh. “Growing old gracefully” means “quietly fading away.” Screw that.

    And happy birthday, m’man! Happy birthday, infirm or not.

  5. Nat Gertler Says:

    Alas, the third option is the Hamlet option, and I don’t think any of us are rooting for that.

    Do have a happy birthday, then stop worrying about the next one until it rolls around.

  6. Roger Green Says:

    Living honestly and intentionally (i.e., with intent, rather than randomly). And you, despite your protests, seem to be doing OK in that department. Happy natal day.

  7. marc bryant Says:

    Happy Birthday!

  8. Alistair Says:

    Keep writing wonderful and vivid stories and happy birthday!


  9. Brian Spence Says:

    Happy Birthday!

    Third option: Immortality is yours as the creator of many cool comics!

  10. Jason Sacks Says:

    Happy birthday Steve. You already have immortality with your writing. Everything else is just gravy.

  11. Gordon Reeves Says:

    Sir Steve …

    Your wealth as a wordsmith and honor as a human being have always been a hallmark of who, what, why, where and how you are.

    As every wordsmith knows, those titled few who’ve inspired our own artistic evolution are as infinite as the sea of syllables we weave within the worlds we so long to both create (and, simultaneously, share). However, there are a few fabled souls whose influence upon my own creative course are more profoundly pertinent, and they are thusly:

    Lorraine Hansberry. Gore Vidal.
    Donald Hamilton. And your Sterling Self.

    There are others, obviously, but these make up my OWN Fantastic Four.

    A more in-depth appreciation of you will follow anon, but I just wanted to join the collected chorus already assembled to wish you a most harmonious, happy and (especially) healthy birthday.

    You may be trapped in a world you never made, also, but the world has never been the same since you came into it.

    Never doubt the impact you’ve had, the lives you’ve touched, the careers you’ve inspired, the inspiration you provide, the compassion you embody, the satire you so superbly provide, the wonderfully warped view of this most un-reel reality and, above all, the fundamental fact that you’ve always been a success in the only anchored area that counts: as a human being (and the anchored artist you are).

    I transcendently salute you, Sir.

  12. Elayne Riggs Says:

    What they said. Happy birthday, Steve.

  13. Tom Peyer Says:

    Happy birthday, Steve!

    Remember: in baby boomer years, 58 is only 48!

  14. Bob Kennedy Says:

    Here’s another option: Sell out, write a bunch of Spider- and X-books, buy a flashy car and date strippers.

    Hey, you’re already in Vegas…

  15. Richard Bensam Says:

    I am so confused by people reading that entry and then saying “Happy Birthday!” No offense meant, guys, we all wish Steve every goodness, and I know there isn’t a comparable phrase to cover a more nuanced sentiment. My suggestion to Steve is: consider the fine example set by Kurt Vonnegut, the Mark Twain of our era, who has grown old and only become more angry, venomous, sarcastic, and caustic with time…while still keeping his humanity and, it must be said, joy in life. His malevolent glee in attacking stupidity comes from his compassion, his pain at seeing how stupid the human race can be when we’re capable of so much better. You have more than a bit of that attitude yourself, and we’re all enriched by you sharing that vision with us.

  16. A.L. Baroza Says:

    Para bailar la bamba se necesita una poca de gracia.

    Happy birthday.

  17. Forrest Says:

    (tries to think of something positive)

    Every year, a year further away from the Bicentennial!

  18. Mark Patterson Says:

    Myself, sir, I don’t see what you’re complaining about. You can be old, or you can be dead.

    Unless you’re Dick Clark.

    Please have the happiest possible birthday!

  19. Mark Evanier Says:

    Boy, you’re old.

  20. Bob Kennedy Says:

    Hey, 58 is the new 37!

  21. Bart Lidofsky Says:

    Happy Birthday!!!

  22. Ian Brill Says:

    Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday (with apologies that this is two days after the fact).

    I think we all worry about aging. What you have up on most baby boomers is that unlike most of them, you’ve created works that will live for a very long time. I was 20 when I fell in love with your work in Howard the Duck and Nevada (I’m 22 now). Others will find your work and will also appreciate how smart, funny and exciting it is.

    I can’t wait for Hard Time to return. Great stuff.

  23. Dwight Williams Says:

    Fight to age for as long as possible, as well as possible, on the terms of your choosing. That’s all any of us can do, I think. And I have to agree with Larry Niven: old age ain’t for sissies.

    Here’s to the fight. Let’s fight dirty!

    *evil grin*

