
Finding it difficult to concentrate.

Wonder why…

Just started reading Revolution in the Head: The Beatles’ Records and the Sixties by the late Ian MacDonald. I may be raving about this book for some time.

Finally received one of those infamous Obama-spams that are making their noxious, defamatory way across the net. I wish I could just ignore it, but there are reasons I can’t. We’ll talk about it later, hopefully after I get some work done.

20 Responses to “Distracted”

  1. Democrats @ 2008 Presidential Election » Distracted Says:

    […] stevegerblog placed an interesting blog post on DistractedHere’s a brief overview […]

  2. Politics » Distracted Says:

    […] stevegerblog wrote an interesting post today on DistractedHere’s a quick excerpt Finding it difficult to concentrate. Wonder why… Just started reading Revolution in the Head: The Beatles’ Records and the Sixties by the late Ian MacDonald. I may be raving about this book for some time. Finally received one of those infamous Obama-spams that are making their noxious, defamatory way across the net. I wish I could just ignore it, but there are reasons I can’t. We’ll talk about it later, hopefully after I get some work done. […]

  3. Stefan Immel Says:

    The Obama spam has not yet reached germany but I guess it will do so approximatly 2 days after the final election for the presedency.

  4. JeffZ Says:

    I’ll have a serving of that Obama Spam with a side of Huckabeans!

  5. Wayne Says:

    Tell Obama to bring back the All-Night Party!

  6. JeffZ Says:

    Or to adopt a red-dome-headed woman as his running mate!

  7. Wayne Says:

    Steve, I’ve named 2008 the Year of Steve Gerber and on my blog have been developing lines of inquiry into your catalog . The latest issue of CtM had an interesting parallel: your wonderful use of comic-within-a-comic seems to suggest that there is also code-within-a-code at work. The idea that Inza Nelson is sublimating her life into comic books is a provocative one -because I have been wondering the same thing about your writing! Then again, as Kent muses, maybe you think the stuff is funny.

    I definitely find it funny and heartfelt, and am looking forward to how this idea develops (hopefully there will be room!).

  8. Roger Green Says:

    Oh, no, is the Osama/Obama/Muslim school thing working on Steve Gerber?!

  9. Charles Bryan Says:

    Just a little note to wish you well, with hopes for good progress in your health.

    I reread your (and Mary Skrenes’) Omega the Unknown this past weekend. It still holds up very well, where most works written or produced thirty (gasp) years ago do not. Other than Amber Grant calling James-Michael “turkey” in a couple of places, it’s a story that reads as if it had been written today.

    It reminded of something I had read recently about JJ Abrams’ “box theory”, in that people always wonder what’s in a box. The relationship between Omega and James-Michael, and the truth about their indivdiual natures, were just such mystery boxes.

    One nice thing about having the original, somewhat faded, slightly yellowed issues — the letters pages! Somewhere in the middle of the run, Kurt Busiek had a letter printed. He wasn’t wild about Jim Mooney’s art — shame on him!

  10. Wayne Says:

    Isn’t there an evil box in Man-Thing, around issue twenty?

  11. Charles Bryan Says:

    Wayne — I’ll find out before too long, since I’m thinking of enjoying a whole lotta Man-Thing this week.




    Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

    Dumb Double Entendre #7000! Collect ’em all!

  12. Bradford Says:

    Sometimes I wonder if the Beatles slow growing acceptance, revealry with, then ultimate rejection of tripping is a reflection of the world mind of the sixty’s similar reaction.

    Or not!

  13. Scott Andrew Hutchins Says:

    Man-Thing is also in the new issue of X-Men: First Class (vol. 2 #8). But then, if that series is set early in the group’s history, why does Cyke not recognize Manny in Uncanny X-Men #144?

  14. Scott Andrew Hutchins Says:

    Was it Omega or another Gerber series that kept using the phrase “get on the stick?” That’s pretty dated. Maybe it was Lilith…

  15. Wayne Says:

    I don’t think it was Sheena. 😉

  16. Charles Bryan Says:

    Scott: “Man-Thing is also in the new issue of X-Men: First Class (vol. 2 #8). But then, if that series is set early in the group’s history, why does Cyke not recognize Manny in Uncanny X-Men #144?”

    Because, it wasn’t written by SG — I don’t recognize Manny under those circumstances either.

  17. Strange Girl In A Stranger Land Says:

    Pavlovian interuptus?
    Will check back for updates….
    Miss the dry humor and indulgent laughter that is you.

  18. Stefan Immel Says:

    What do you do when you expect a mousse au chocolate, one of the kind only your mother can make and is the envy of any top class restaurant in the whole country and you absolutly love and then you get a steak just roasted right with a side of home made spaetzle and broccoli which you absolutly love?

    This is how I felt reading CtM#5. I didn’t expect the Killhead sequenz, I wanted to see something more about Dr. Fate and magic. But the comic was great anyway. And I think that is one of your really great points. Introducing something really unexpected into a story without making it feel forced.

    The last page of course made me hungry for more.

  19. Bob Brodsky Says:

    Praying for you, Steve. THANK YOU for all your great work over the years.
    I’ve been reading your fine material since TALES of the ZOMBIE in 1973. Please let Gerber Gang members know how we can be of help to you (i.e., items needed during hospital stay).
    Best always, Bob Brodsky
    P.S. Don’t worry! I pray for lots or people.

  20. John M Short Says:

    I’m a new fan of Steve’s. Wrote him a goofy fan-email; sure hope he gets it. I bid on the entire run of Omega, but some hoser snyped me. He’ll get his. Anyway, I found the TPB and can’t wait to break into it. Loved you work on The Defenders, Steve! Get ready for more prayers coming your way!