Town Without Pithy

No time for a long, pithy post tonight, but one quick reminder:

If you decide to display one of the Omega the Unknown Informational Banners on your blog or web page, please leave a comment with your URL, so I can add your page to my link list.

Major pith tomorrow.

8 Responses to “Town Without Pithy”

  1. Forrest Says:

    include obligatory-pith-helmet.jok

    So I was walking around in HTD-Max again, wondering at my reaction to it, and I found myself reasoning this way —

    The general idea of getting JL to do a comic is that he’s got literary street credit, no? So…what if the reason he wanted to do Omega in the first place is that the original is subtextually unresolved (actual plot being irrelevant) to the point that it’s actually been unconsciously bothering him for the last ~25 years? Doesn’t that sound like literature already?

    It’d be nice if they’d run two simultaneous miniseries, one real (SG/MS), one hypothetical (JL). Analyzing one ‘text’* in terms of another — crossreferences, correlations and so on — is one of the notable sub-pleasures of literature. (JL would probably appreciate it, too, since however useful or satisfying the process of coming up with your own answer to somebody else’s question may be, actually getting theirs, well…that’s a relief.)

    (* And using the word text in quotation marks is a sure sign of creeping pedantry, but what the hey.)

  2. Forrest Says:

    Where’d that bloody huge headline come from? I didn’t intend that.

  3. The Haiku Master Says:

    Mine’s up at Above the fold, even!

  4. The Haiku Master Says:

    For what it’s worth, I’ve also added an Omega-specific post:

  5. Ade Brown Says:

    I’ve put it up at

    Omega was a big part of my second age of comics reading:
    1) mid 1960s – learning to read
    2) teenage grammar school in Brum. Everyone was into Avengers, Defenders and Fantastic Four. I was into The Unknown.

    3) was 1985 courtesy of my friend Ali Scott and something called Swamp Thing.

    Just 1 Page Charity Comic 2005

    (Test via Internet Explorer)

  6. Claudio Piccinini Says:

    I did not even want to know the details. For all it may be worth, here you are:
    I wish I could spread it around like a virus (I never used my webspace I pay for, so…)

    I was about the age of James-Michael when I read Omega first (I’m in Italy).
    In my humble opinion the ineffable strength of the series lies exactly in that: it’s not “concluded”.
    I almost vomited when I read that “conclusion” in the pages of The Defenders.

  7. Johnny Bacardi Says:

    The Johnny Bacardi Show.

    I’ve joined the ranks!

    BTW, loved your Son of Satan and Nevada

  8. Scott Says:

    I’ve added an Omega banner on the Golden-Silver-Bronze Ages Message Board.