Not Much to Say

I’ve been spending my time recuperating. There’ve been ups and downs, but overall I seem to be doing a little better.

My friend Carol hung pictures of dolphins in my house while I was in the hospital. She also vacuumed the living room carpet and fed the cats for a couple of days. Carol insists she’s not a nice person. In fact, she’s proud of it. Some people are just full of crap, y’know?

Mary has been working alone on *Hard Time* for the past couple of weeks, with nothing more than a suggestion or two from me, and she’s coming up with some brilliant stuff. The creative-control freak in me balks at this situation, but at least it proves I know talent when I see it.

That’s it for now…

One Response to “Not Much to Say”

  1. Spence Says:

    Sounds like you’re feeling better. Keep it up.

    I’m going into surgery on Friday for something much less serious, but it’s had me concerned. I guess I’m saying that it feels good to know someone else is sick along with me.