Dwell, Dwell, Dwell

A birthday or two ago, Mary gave me this card. I keep it tacked on the wall of my home office.


My sense of the possible has taken quite a battering over the last few weeks and months.

Yesterday, though, I got word from DC concerning a new project we’ve been discussing off and on for almost a year. Apparently, it’s now on. It’s something I’m very excited about, something that will give me a chance to stretch creatively in some different directions, something that should be a lot of fun to write.

Naturally, I have to remain maddeningly vague about the details for now — if only because a lot of the details *are* still vague — but as soon as I can say anything publicly, you’ll hear it here first. I promise.

Meantime, I’m just happy to discover that I’m still susceptible to *good* news.

Thank you, Mary. (You too, Emily.)

7 Responses to “Dwell, Dwell, Dwell”

  1. J. Alexander Says:

    Great news. I look forward to seeing any new books you do and will make sure that my local shop orders me a copy from Diamond.

  2. micah Says:

    Oh, dwell.
    Hah! Bet you thought no one would get the reference.

  3. Bart Lidofsky Says:

    It was probably just luck and timing, but it seems that your relations with DC have been much more cordial than they have been with Marvel…

  4. Joe Brusky Says:


    Back at at time when I knew how to spell platitude, but didn’t know the derogative meaning, you featured a woman with inspirational quote sign from Pop Syke living her life by them.

    Old birthday cards are exempt. 🙂

    And from the sounds of it, Happy Birthday!

    Let us know about the new project as it unfolds and please take good care of yourself. Having had viral mengitis, I know what long-term recovery is like and how not being healthy for a long period of time can drain you mentally, physically and finacially.

    The bills sucked too.

  5. dj anderson Says:

    Man, I can only hope that someday we get to see Gerber back on a “mainstream” DC superhero. A consistent dose of Gerber’s Superman or Wonder Woman? One can only dream. (And yes, I realize this is probably only a dream. But consider the possibilities!!!!)


  6. Steve Gerber Says:

    DJ: Much as I like the character, I probably wouldn’t be well-suited to working on Superman. With so many Superman books published each month, the writing necessarily has become a committee process. I don’t function at my best in that situation.

    Anyway, you’ve got Mark Verheiden, Gail Simone, and Mark Waid writing the books currently. If you’ve got to have a committee, they don’t come much better than that.

  7. dj anderson Says:

    In my perfect world, Gerber works without editorial interference . . . editorial SUPPORT, certainly, but not interference.

    And you’re right . . . the SUPERMAN books are reading better right now than they have in a LONG time. Which means, I fear, that soon DC will do something to screw it up.