Presidential Head Games
Wednesday, August 17th, 2005Speaking of Roshomonics, here’s an interesting article from the *Huffington Post*: Why Bush Believes His Lies. I’m going back to my break now.
Speaking of Roshomonics, here’s an interesting article from the *Huffington Post*: Why Bush Believes His Lies. I’m going back to my break now.
It’s come to my attention that some readers didn’t realize whence the term “Roshomonics” was derived or exactly what it was supposed to mean. *Roshomon* is a very famous 1951 film by the even more famous Japanese director Akira Kurosawa (whose other works include *The Seven Samurai*, *Throne of Blood*, *Ran*, and many more). *Roshomon* […]
Taking a quick break from my break to pass this along: *Hard Time* got a nifty little squib in the October-dated editions of *all* the DC comics, on the “DC In Demand” page. Space on that page is golden — and rarely devoted to a non-DCU, non-superhero title. But it gets niftier. We’re getting *another* […]
I’m going to take a few days off from blogging. I need a little while to regroup emotionally and focus my concentration entirely on *Hard Time*. A personal note. Thanks to Bret, Carol, Jennifer, and Harris. You’ve been very good friends at a very difficult time. Back shortly!
Does anyone happen to know if a comics convention scheduled for September in St. Louis, MO has been cancelled? I was scheduled to be a guest but haven’t heard from the convention promoters in many months. Oh — and if the show is still on, does anyone know how to contact the promoters? Thanks.
The one criterion I apply first to judging almost any comic book story — or film or novel or television drama — any story presentation not intended to be taken as parody or farce — is simply this: *Did I believe it?* While I was reading the story, did I accept unquestioningly that it was […]
The day ends at dawn again, but that’s okay. I’ve spent it looking for a personal reason to stay alive and continue working — beyond paying the rent, I mean — and I may have found one. It has to do with analyzing and understanding the fan appetites that make the crossovers work commercially, and […]
But see, here’s the thing… I can quote all the cocky lyrics I want, and I can understand the necessity of engaging in Roshomonics at an intellectual level, and I can make myself appear by turns witty and bitter and sympathetic to you, the reading public… But there’s nothing quite as frightening as knowing that […]
#####Purgation Lyric of the Day: The story’s in the past, With nothing to recall. I’ve got my life to live, And I don’t need you at all. The roller coaster ride we took Is nearly at an end. I bought my ticket with my tears, That’s all I’m gonna spend. And I think it’s gonna […]
I learned today that DC has decided not to collect *Hard Time* #7-12 as a trade paperback — at least, not yet. I was hoping we would have this second collection out before the first issue of *Season 2* hit the stores. Now, that’s not going to happen. It makes me wonder how all those […]