September 2nd, 2005 by Steve GerberWhy is it that every time Mr. Compassionate Conservative is called upon to evince some, he has to ring in Dad and Clinton?
On the other hand, called upon to demonstrate ineptitude, el Proctodento is a true champ. Bagdad, Fallujah, New Orleans, hey, wherever — bring it on! This here Adminisfuckingstration guarantees some more Americans, preferably poor black ones, will die for ya! Don’t thank us — it’s what we do. Yee-hah!
Related note: When lunatics fly airplanes into buildings in New York, it’s because God wants vengeance on lesbians. When hurricanes demolish red states, it’s because He works in mysterious ways.
(It’s lucky I’m only operating at about 30% rage capacity. There would be pixels boiling and popping like zits on your screen if I had the energy…)