Can Republicans Say “Ic”?
August 23rd, 2006 by Steve GerberWell, of course they can. It’s right there in the name of their party: RepublICan.
So why do they make themselves sound like illiterates every time they’re forced to utter the dread name of the other party? Why do Republicans, almost without exception, refer to their opposition as “the Democrat Party”?
Are they truly as ignorant of the English language as they sound? Do they all come from trailer parks? Don’t they know that “Democrat” is a noun and “Democratic” is the adjective form?
Sure, they know. The lock-step illiteracy is a marketing device.
“Democrat” ends in r-a-t. “The “DemocRAT Party.” Deliver it with a sneer, as the Republicans always do, and it also brings to mind other r-a-t words. “Bureaucrat”, for example.
Incredibly, enough people fall for this shit that the Republicans have kept it up for at least a decade.
So I have a suggestion for Democrats: an i-c for an i-c.
From now on, take the “ic” out of “Republican” and pronounce it “Re-pubble-un”, for no reason other than that it sounds silly and will irritate the hell out of them.
C’mon, say it with me now: RE-pubble-un. Or just “Pubble” for short. The Grand Old Pubbles. The party whose leaders would rather sound like morons than say “ic” at the end of a word.