Be My Focus Group

October 16th, 2005 by Steve Gerber

Three questions regarding a potential new project:

1. Could you, as a comic book reader, accept a new character that came from the planet Krypton, if this character had left or been taken from that world long before it blew up? (By “long,” I mean thousands of years.)

2. Could you, as a comic book reader, accept the idea that an ancient ancestor of the Kryptonian race might not acquire all the powers and abilities that Superman does on Earth?

3. Who would you be more interested in reading about — very ancient Kryptonians or White Martians?

I’ll be curious to hear your comments.

More *Hard Time* Promotion Surprises

October 14th, 2005 by Steve Gerber

*Hard Time Season 2* #1 is slated to be a *Wizard* featured pick for December/January.

Diamond Comics Distributors has also given the book a nice write-up on its website.

And although I haven’t seen it, I’m told DC took a full-page ad for the book in *Previews*, as well. (Can anyone provide a scan I could post here?)

I don’t know what monstrous evil we’ve committed to garner all this attention, but I hope it’s something appropriately debauched.

L.A. Times: The Dark Side of Faith

October 10th, 2005 by Steve Gerber

Interesting article, and reasonably objective.

You’ll need to register (free) for the *L.A. Times* online edition, if you haven’t already.

Title Missing

October 9th, 2005 by Steve Gerber

Yeah, I’ve been quiet lately, mostly because there’s been a lot to be quiet about. I’ve also been cryptic lately, because etc., etc., etc. Work on Hard Time continues, as does research on the future DC project, which remains just shy of 100% “go” status. More to follow, when there’s less to be quiet about.

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Westfield Comics Hard Time Interview

October 3rd, 2005 by Steve Gerber

Here’s an interview I did recently with Roger Ash of Westfield Comics about Hard Time: Season 2. Regular readers of this blog will find much of the discussion familiar, but there are a few amusing surprises, too. Take a look.

Hard Time: Season 2 Preview on

September 29th, 2005 by Steve Gerber

Go here. Then come back and tell me if I was exaggerating, even a little, about what you can expect from Season 2.



September 28th, 2005 by Steve Gerber

Sorry I haven’t written much in the past couple of days. I’ve been dealing with something.

Just a quick journal note: Mary and I made major progress, and laughed ourselves silly, plotting Hard Time: Season 2 #6 on Tuesday. This may be the strangest story I’ve worked on since the duck’s nervous breakdown, and yet it’s completely consistent with and grows logically out of everything in the series that’s gone before.


September 27th, 2005 by Steve Gerber

I am trying hard not to look into the pit, but the edge keeps creeping closer, and — oh! I see! It’s the fucking Grand Canyon — and look! — the Colorado River runs thick and black with slowly clotting blood, all the way to the Temple of Vishnu.

Yahoo News: Move over Superman, the Arab super heros are here!

September 25th, 2005 by Steve Gerber

Mary forwarded this article to me.

No, it’s not a gag. (Even if somebody at Yahoo can’t spell the plural of “hero.”)

Yahoo News: New evolution spat in U.S. schools goes to court

September 24th, 2005 by Steve Gerber

At least 31 states are taking steps to teach alternatives to evolution. A CBS poll last November found 65 percent of Americans favor teaching creationism as well as evolution while 37 percent want creationism taught instead of evolution.

Fifty-five percent of Americans believe God created humans in their present form, the poll found.

So I figure about 88 percent must believe in the Tooth Fairy, 92 percent in the existence of the Powerpuff Girls, and at least a majority that we found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

A willfully ignorant nation deserves the leaders it gets.

The full story of the upcoming trial in Pennsylvania is here.