Colour Out of Time

August 15th, 2007 by Steve Gerber

My old friend Dean Mullaney sent me a link to Alan Light’s photos of the 1982 San Diego Comics Convention.

I’m all over page two, including one candid shot with the secret love of my life. (She’s now a neurosurgeon — seriously. I probably served as inspiration.)

Anyway, kids, here’s your chance to see what the next 25 years will do to *you*!

Time, you unforgiving bastard…!

fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa

August 14th, 2007 by Steve Gerber

Your turn.

Ming the Merciless Canadian

August 8th, 2007 by Steve Gerber

Nothing against the actor, but this is just wrong.

If they were that concerned about political correctness, they should have just made him a talking vase.

My New Favorite Wallpaper

July 31st, 2007 by Steve Gerber

Click for larger image.
“A Little Motivation”

Click on the image above to enlarge.

Click here to download it in the correct resolution for your own desktop.

And here’s a link to the home page of InterfaceLift, where you’ll find an incredible collection of free wallpapers and icons.

And It’s Only Tuesday

July 31st, 2007 by Steve Gerber

Ingmar Bergman.

Michaelangelo Antonioni.

Tom Snyder.

Fit Brother is Watching

July 29th, 2007 by Steve Gerber

Los Angeles Times: To hold down medical costs, some firms are penalizing workers who are overweight or don’t meet health guidelines.

Boy, do I have mixed feelings about this…

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Random Whining

July 27th, 2007 by Steve Gerber

While the rest of the comic book industry rubs shoulders — and practically every other bodily part — in a cram-packed San Diego convention center, I’m second-, third-, and ninth-guessing myself on a script that I worry may be too unsparingly human for a superhero comic.

In the ’70s, readers could deal with this kind of stuff. In the aughts, I’m not so sure.

Bitch, moan. Bitch, moan.

Reverse the order of those two words, and an annoying mode of complaint becomes a smutty imperative sentence.

It’s going to be a long and bizarre weekend.

Current HERO Initiative Newsletter

July 25th, 2007 by Steve Gerber

From the Hero Initiative website:

The Hero Initiative is the first-ever federally chartered not-for-profit corporation dedicated strictly to helping comic book creators in need.

Those of you planning to attend the San Diego convention will want to check out the latest issue of the Initiative’s online newsletter.

You can subscribe to the newsletter here.

Generation Chickenhawk

July 21st, 2007 by Steve Gerber

From “Generation Chickenhawk: the Unauthorized College Republican Convention Tour”:

On July 13, 2007, I visited Section 60 of Arlington National Cemetery, where the bodies of American soldiers killed in Iraq were freshly interred. Afterwards, I headed across the street to the Sheraton National Hotel, owned by right-wing Korean cult leader Sun Myung-Moon, to meet some of the war’s most fervent supporters at the College Republican National Convention.

Must-see agitprop. 3.5 stars.

Unimpeachable Journalism

July 14th, 2007 by Steve Gerber

If you didn’t catch last night’s *Bill Moyers Journal* on PBS, you might want to take a look at this video segment:

BILL MOYERS JOURNAL explores the talk of impeachment with Constitutional scholar Bruce Fein, who wrote the first article of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, and THE NATION’s John Nichols, author of THE GENIUS OF IMPEACHMENT

It’s over twenty minutes long, but worth the time. It’s a discussion of the Founding Fathers’ rationale for the *concept* of impeachment, not just its applicability to current office-holders. My jaw dropped when I heard what Bruce Fein — a well-respected legal scholar, but also a bona fide arch-conservative — had to say on the topic. You just don’t get this kind of discussion anywhere else in the media.